Why You Should Use Chia Seeds For Hair Growth

flaxseed and chia seed hair gel
When you start to notice that your hair is thinning, it can really start to bring down your confidence...

You might start combing your hair through with your fingers to see if there are any loose strands, and you might start checking the thinning in the mirror from every angle to see if it's getting worse.

Well, there are many natural remedies for hair loss, and today I want to share with you how you can use chia seeds for hair growth...

So if you're ready... let's get started!

Chia Seeds Are Rich In Omega 3 Fatty Acids...

how to eat chia seeds for hair growth
Your body requires several nutrients to ensure your hair is growing in naturally...

...and Omega 3 Fatty Acids stand out as being beneficial.

The thing is, your body doesn't produce these acids on its own.

So, it's extremely important that you consume foods within your diet that will help you maintain a sufficient level of them.

Chia seeds can help you do that, and the reason why these fatty acids are so important is because they help reduce inflammation in your body...

If you don't know, inflammation is one of the main causes of hair loss because as the hair follicles become inflamed, they start to shrink and stop producing hair.

But if you reduce the inflammation on your scalp, the hair follicles have the ability to recover and start producing thick and healthy hair.

Chia Seeds Contain Many Other Important Nutrients...

chia seeds baldness
Here's the deal, chia seeds also contain things like iron, copper, and zinc...

...and these are all important nutrients when it comes to your hair. 

You see, not having enough copper in your system just by itself can cause hair loss...

...and iron helps make sure you're getting enough oxygen sent to your scalp. 

Zinc is important as well because it can help ensure new hair follicles are forming. 

You need these things in your diet, and consuming chia seeds can help make sure you're getting them. 

Chia Seeds Also Have A Lot Of Protein...

Did you know that your hair and nails are mostly made of a protein called keratin?

Well, it's true and if you're looking to promote hair growth it's absolutely essential that you make sure you're getting enough protein. 

Simply adding chia seeds is a great way to boosts your protein intake, which with hopefully have a positive effect on the growth of your hair. 

How Do You Actually Use Chia Seeds For Hair Growth?

chia seeds for hair gel
Well, even though some people will try to apply them on the scalp topically...

...it's probably easier to include them in your diet every day.

Now, what a lot of people will do is include them in their breakfast in some way.

They can easily be mixed into a morning smoothie or sprinkled over a bowl of fruit...

...but they can also be formed into their own type of pudding.

You see when they sit in something like milk or juice, each of the seeds takes on water and forms a little gel coating.

This gel coating makes them into a form of pudding that you can add fruit or juice too if you're looking for more flavor (the seeds on their own are kind of bland).

So give it try, be consistent, and see if it helps the overall health of your hair.


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